01/15/03 - 200's breast/free, and underwaters

Jan 16, 2003
01/15/03 - 200's breast/free, and underwaters

Good workout this morning, challenging, and I got to through in some speed work.1,000 warm-upDid my usual 200 swim, 300 pull, 200 kick, 300 swim - mixing breaststroke and freestyle work.500 free - 100 easy, 100 fast, 75 easy, 75 fast, 50 easy, 50 fast, 25 easy, 25 fast.I make the difference between the easy, and the fast pretty dramatic. I can go SOOO slow on the easy, that I unfortunately clogged up the lane behind me, but then I go as fast as I can on the fast, so then I'm way ahead. I just like to make sure that I'm working on my speed when I get the chance to.5 x (200 on 3:00 then 100 kick on 2:00)I did the 200's breast/free by 25's, decending 1-5 as instructed. I started pretty slow, which turned out to be about a 2:40, and decended down to around 2:20. The breaststroke was feeling better, higher in the water, and I really needed to concentrate on my kick again, as I really want to kick WIDE.Next was a 500, broken into 75's, 50's, and 25's. I must admit, I couldn't follow the pattern because I didn't listen well enough (bad boy), so I just made sure I didn't lead the lane and mess the others up. I did this set pull, and alternated easy freestyle with really fast breaststroke pull. Really thinking about keeping my head down when I breathe.Final set as 6 x 50 on 1:10. You were supposed to swim as far as you could underwater, then when you came up, SPRINT the rest of the way freestyle. I started with about a lap and a half under, but realized that I'd probably DIE if I continued that, and that I had NOTHING left to sprint with. So... I started sprinting the first lap underwater breaststroke pulls, then sprinting the 2nd lap freestyle. This turned out to be far more productive for me, as I was holding them all at about :30 seconds. Got plenty of rest this way, and had a chance to work both on my underwater pulls, and some fast freestyle.200 easy swim to finish up, and call it a day.

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