Parent / Swimmer Login

Parent / Swimmer Login

GoSwim App: Privacy & Account Setup for Athletes Under 18

At GoSwim, we prioritize athlete video and data privacy, ensuring compliance with key protection policies, including:

  • COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act)
  • MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies)
  • USA Swimming SafeSport Guidelines
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation for Europe)

Because of these safeguards, when setting up a GoSwim account for an athlete under 18, please follow these guidelines:

Creating a GoSwim Account

  1. Athlete's Name – Use your swimmer’s name to help coaches assign videos correctly.
  2. Date of Birth – Enter your athlete’s actual birth date for accurate account setup.
  3. Email – Use your child’s email address so they receive video notifications directly.
  4. Password – Choose a secure password. Anyone needing access (e.g., parents, guardians) will use this password.
  5. Parent's Email – If the athlete is under 18, a parent’s email is required. This ensures that all video and data notifications are sent to both the athlete and the parent.

Accessing Videos & Performance Data

  • Multiple Logins: The GoSwim app allows simultaneous logins, meaning both the athlete and parents can access videos and data.
  • Where Notifications Go:
    • The primary email on the account (athlete’s email) receives all video and performance updates.
    • Parents receive duplicate notifications of all shared content.
  • Viewing Shared Content:
    • Log in using your athlete’s email and password to access videos and data.
    • Save the login credentials on your device for quick access.

Ensuring You See the Latest Content

  • Push notifications may only appear on one device (typically the primary account holder’s device).
  • If you receive an email notification about new content but don’t see it in the app:
    1. Open the GoSwim app.
    2. Navigate to the EVALUATE tab.
    3. Tap ACTIONS and scroll down to REFRESH to load the latest videos and data.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure a smooth experience while keeping your athlete’s data secure. 🚀🏊‍♂️

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