Thank You and More to Come

Sep 27, 2016
Thank You and More to Come

First, we wanted to thank everyone for your patience on our polishing of the new website.  We’re continuing to fix some little things that have crept in, and for the most part the site is running smoothly.

We’ve received hundreds of responses, and we do want to thank you for your supportive words.  They do mean a lot to us.

Our free members will notice some ads starting to pop up when you log in, this has been a way for us to continue to offer more and more free content.  We hope you support any partners we have on the website.  If you do not wish to see any ads, you can upgrade and they will disappear.

We’re continuing to optimize and tweak parts of the site, and will be putting our new tutorials in to help with all the new pathways.  You’ll see a couple below referring to Account Creation and Watching Daily Videos.

Keep sending in your comments, and we’ll keep working to make the site a great experience for everyone.

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