What to do when you don't have a signal

Aug 7, 2024
What to do when you don't have a signal

Swimming pools are many times a difficult area for technology. Wifi signals are either non-existant or weak, and cell service can be hampered by the structure or location of facilities.

The GoSwim app is, by nature, always trying to share. We want the information to be shared as quickly as possible between the coach and swimmer and parent.

Sometimes, it's just not possible, and because the app is doing it's best to find that signal, it may lag a bit.

We've built the solution.

Go to SETTINGS in the app, and you now have choices. First, the default choice for most people is going to be to use any wifi signal that's present. Turn on "Uploads/Downloads (via WiFi)"

The next option would be if there is NO WiFi, or the speed of the WiFi is so slow, it's going to bog down the transfer process. You can switch to "Uploads/Downloads (via cell)"

If you happen to be in that happy place of great WiFi and Cell, leave them both on and the app will find the fastest way to transfer and share your videos... automatically.

And finally, if you're stuck in a situation that you have neither good WiFi or Cell service, you can make sure everything stays local, and the app will work great... turn off the automatic sharing feature by disabling the automatic sharing.

When you get back home, or to your office, turn the cell and WiFi sharing back on, and the videos will have already been placed in the Queue, and will automatically be shared to whoever they were assigned to.

We continue to learn more as people use the app, and will be creating solutions for all issues. The more feedback you give, the better the app will get.

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