Strapless Paddles

Jul 15, 2019
Strapless Paddles

WARMUP: 400 (or 10 minutes) on your own

Two rounds:
2 X 50 pull on 1:00; focus = connect hand to hip and swim with hip rotation
2 X 25 kick on :40

MAIN SET: 1800
Two rounds:
4 X 25 breaststroke with strapless paddles on :40
4 X 50 choice on 1:00; 1st half length always up tempo
4 X 75 on 1:30; last half length always up tempo
2 X 100 as follows: Swim up tempo to far flags, stop and do vertical kick with hands in the air until last person reaches the far flags PLUS another 15 seconds. Swim moderate pace to far wall and back to the starting wall then repeat for the second 50. Start the 2nd 100 15 seconds after last person finishes.
2 X 25 up tempo on :40
1 X 50 recovery

WARMDOWN: 100-200

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