SOTW Freestyle Extension

Mar 30, 2020
SOTW  Freestyle Extension

WARMUP:  400 on your own

4 X 50 (25 kick of choice + 25 swim of choice)

MAIN SET:  1950
Swim three times through all of the following:

3 X 50 (25 Position-11 Freestyle + 25 Freestyle with full extension on each stroke and counting your strokes per length)

1 X 100 FRIM (FRIM = IM, substituting Freestyle for Butterfly); hold your stroke count on both of the freestyle lengths

2 X 75 (25 Position-11 Freestyle + 25 Almost Position 11 + 25 Freestyle aiming for low stroke count)

1 X 100 FRIM; hold your stroke count on both of the freestyle lengths

4 X 25 Freestyle
Odd 25s:  Almost Position-11 Freestyle (think about “swapping” one hand for the other)
Even 25s:  Build Freestyle, but maintain long strokes

1 X 50 easy recovery

WARMDOWN:  100-200 freestyle pull; count strokes and try to maintain count on all lengths

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