2025 UI Updates

2025 UI Updates

We've been working hard to make the app easier for you to utilize all the great features. We'll go through a few upcoming changes.

Cleaner Buttons

Cleaner Buttons

Whether you're trying to record, or annotate, the buttons all around will be much simpler for you to use on both tablet and phone.

More Intuitive Tool Selector

More Intuitive Tool Selector

Making it easier for you to select the right tool and get right to work. After you start your annotation, you only have to revisit this pop-out to change tools. Fast and simple annotation to make your job easier.

Bigger Stroke and Turn Buttons for Updates

Bigger Stroke and Turn Buttons for Updates

If you're doing data analysis or addition after the race is over, our updated UI will make it MUCH simpler for you to be as accurate as possible when adding data.

Better Graphics and Highlighted Callout Button for Suggested Videos

Better Graphics and Highlighted Callout Button for Suggested Videos

One of the biggest features of the GoSwim app is MORE than just providing you the most comprehensive performance data, but it's WHAT TO DO WITH THAT DATA???? Our innovative, industry leading technology harnesses our massive content library to suggest the best videos for you BASED on your performance data. We help you save time by pinpointing the videos that will help you the most... the quickest.

We hope you enjoy the upcoming updates. They'll be available in the next update of the GoSwim app, mid-January.

If you're a coach or swim parent and want to schedule a demo of our technology, hit the link HERE!

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