SOTW Freestyle Flip Turns

Oct 23, 2019
SOTW  Freestyle Flip Turns

WARMUP:  400 (or 10 minutes) on your own

4 X 50 (each 50 = 12.5 yards fly + 37.5 yards free)
Before each 50, do 6 “jumps” of vertical butterfly.

MAIN SET:  1750
Swim 7 rounds of the following:
4 X 25 “butterfly”
3 X 50 freestyle pull or swim

Each round calls for a different drill on the “butterfly” 25s and a different focus point on the freestyle 50s, as follows:
Round 1
Fly 25s:  Single-Arm Butterfly:  1 Left / 1 Right
Free:  Hide your head

Round 2
Fly 25s:  1 Left Arm / 1 Right Arm / 2 Whole-Strokes Butterfly
Free:  Keep one goggle in water during the breath

Round 3
Fly 25s:  2 Left Arm / 2 Right Arm / 2 Whole-Strokes Butterfly
Free:  Keep the hips high in the water

Round 4
Fly 25s:  Maintain one alignment for head and neck; switch to free if stroke falls apart
Free:  Look for the tiles and bring head back to centered, neutral alignment after each breath

Round 5
Fly 25s:  Alternate 1 stroke Butterfly and 1 stroke Breaststroke
Free:  Count total strokes for the 50s.  Hold stroke count and descend time 103.

Round 6
Fly 25s:  Alternate 2 strokes Butterfly and 1 stroke Breaststroke
Free:  Count total strokes for the 50.  Make it one stroke less than in Round 5.

Round 7
Fly 25s:  Swim whole-stroke fly, but if stroke starts to fall apart, switch to freestyle.
Free:  Count total strokes for the 50.  Hold stroke count and descend time 103.

WARM DOWN:  100-200

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