SOTW Sara McLarty Set

Dec 18, 2019
SOTW  Sara McLarty Set

Several years ago, when we traveled to Florida to film Sara McLarty’s video, we were able to swim at one of her masters practices.  Here ya go!

WARMUP:  400 (or 10 minutes) on your own

If your pool has a shallow section (3-4 feet deep), warm up with some 25s of dolphin dive — or half length swim and half length dolphin dive if only a portion of the pool is shallow.   If you don’t have shallow water, organize your lane mates for 8 X 25 to practice your drafting skills.   Arrange yourselves in various drafting patterns (3 abreast, chevron, reverse chevron, staggered line, etc.).

MAIN SET:  1950
3 X 300 on approximately 50-second rest interval
#1:  pull; breathe equally to Right and Left
#2:  fins optional — 100 kick + 100 swim + 100 kick
#3:  no equipment; negative split (final 150 is faster than first 150)

3 X 200 on approximately 45-second rest interval
#1:  pull; breathe equally to Right and Left
#2:  fins optional –100 kick + 100 swim
#3:  no equipment; negative split (second 100 faster than first 100)

3 X 100 on approximately 30-second rest interval
#1:  pull; breathe equally to Right and Left
#2:  fins optional — 50 kick + 50 swim
#3:  no equipment — negative split

3 X 50 choice on 30-second rest interval.  Descend time 1-3

WARMDOWN:  100-200 easy (or repeat the warmup set)

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