01/22/03 - many 25's!

Jan 22, 2003
01/22/03 - many 25's!

4 x 250 warm up, 2 on 3:30, 2 on 3:15. It was funny after this warm-up that the person writing this practice realized that 3:15 was probably a little tough to start out practice on for many of the group. Oh well, a little short rest to get the day started.20 x 25 on 1:00Alternate strokes of breaststroke, and butterfly on the way down, and all butterfly on the way back. This was nice as it allowed me to swim some butterfly without over doing it. Swimming the alternating strokes also made me think about my breaststroke, and keeping it shallow. I liked it.5 x 100 free on 1:30Pretty basic, I just mainly cruised these, but played with stroke rate and rhythm while keeping the times between 1:14 and 1:10.20 x 25 on :40Again, alternating breaststroke and butterfly strokes on the way down, but then breaststroke back. Since we got SO much rest on this set, I decided to really focus on faster breaststroke. This send off allowed me to really think about what I was going to think about prior to each lap of breaststroke. By the end of the set, I had worked out a nice rhythm, and some good speed.4 x 200 Pull on 2:50Basically decended this, starting out around 2:30, and bringing it down to 2:12 by #410 x 50 back on 1:00I decided to swim fast on every 3rd 50. This would give me 2 to think about my stroke, popping the shoulders, feeling the hips rotate, then one fast. I realized that fast backstroke hurts MORE, and is SLOWER, than fast breaststroke. I guess that pretty much defines WHY I swam breaststroke!200 easy and that's it.

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