02/13/03 - 10 x 100 again and again

Feb 13, 2003
02/13/03 - 10 x 100 again and again

700 warm-up - 200 swim, 200 pull, 200 kick, 100 stroke10 x 100 free on 1:25 followed by a 100 kick.I kept these pretty much part of warm-up. Holding them around 1:15 and really stretching out.10 x 100 free on 1:30 followed by a 100 kick.Since there was a little more rest, I decided to pull this, alternating 25 free with 25 breast. Because I have a fairly wide pull, and other people in the lane, I went last. When the other swimmers were coming back on their 3rd lap, and I was on my 1st lap of breaststroke, I didn't want to hit anyone, so I used a narrow pull, working on keeping my hands way out in front. On the last lap, with nobody coming down, I was able to open up the pull and really work on feeling the stretch all through my chest as I sent the hands out. This was a nice set.10 x 100 on 1:20 followed by a 100 kickI decided to stick with the pulling, but I did give myself a goal on this set. Try to hit 1:05 on each 100. I made it... almost... I missed 2 of the last 4. Over all, it was a challenging and fun set.Next we did a SUPER 500 KICK. I still can't get this thing down. It was something like 25-25-50-50-50-75... etc. Up and down, but it all added up to a 500 in the end. The interval was :25 / 25, so it wasn't that easy, but everybody had FINS on except me. Sheesh. Actually, it was nice to kick some good, strong breaststroke again. Haven't done that in a while.Daily total was 4,500

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