
Dec 17, 2002

Getting the week started with a sore back. I did something setting up a Christmas present for my kids. THEY BETTER ENJOY IT!!!Warm-up – 800Feeling pretty sluggish and stiff. The turns hurt the most. All that bending into the wall. Really makes me focus on using my arms to get my hips over. Nothing like a little pain to focus your mind.Main Set:The intervals are pretty easy on this, which was good for today. I did, however, crawl out of the pool on the first 500 and sit in the hot-tub to losen the back up a bit. It was tough climbing out of that, and getting back into the pool, but I felt guilty having my new lane mates go through any set without me. So for the 2nd part of this set, I just hung at the back of the lane, and tried to stay as smooth as possible. Finished the set, but did miss the 1st 500.100 free - 1:30200 IM - 3:30300 free - 4:30400 pull - 6:00500 free - 7:30500 free - 7:30400 pull - 6:00300 free - 4:30200 IM - 3:30100 freeWarm-down4 x 75 drill/kick/swim – 1:20Nice and smooth. Did it breaststroke, and just tried to keep my back in line, as everytime I bent it the wrong way, it hurt. Anyway, I'm sure sitting at the computer for the next 8 hours will really help. Have a good day.

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