2011 Readers' Choice Awards

Jan 13, 2011
2011 Readers' Choice Awards

While we're not in the habit of asking for help, we would love for you to give us a little plug here.

Over the past eight years, we've done our best to serve the swimming community by providing technique information and a forum for coaches and swimmers at every level of the sport.   If you add it all up, Go Swim has posted 350+ drills, created more than 30 premium DVDs, and published dozens of articles to both guide and inspire your swimming (and coaching).   

If you like what we do at Go Swim, we'd love if you'd take a couple minutes and nominate this site, and our twitter feed, for the 2011 About.com Readers' Choice Awards.

While we're not sure if the judges will consider our site to be a "blog," what you see here each week is our personal swimming and coaching diary.  The drills we present are those we're working on ourselves, or working on with athletes whom we teach and coach.  If that's not a blog, then who knows what is. :)

Regardless of definitions, we ask you to head over to About.com and nominate GoSwim as your favorite.

Favorite Swimming Twitter Feed Nominee:  @goswim

Favorite Swimming Blog Feed Nominee: www.goswim.tv

The nomination process starts today and runs through February 4th, 2011.  So you WILL see this again. ;)

As a special gift (bribe), our Pic of the Week this week is four pictures of our upcoming video featuring Robert Margalis.  One pic of each stroke.  Head to the Pic of the Week Page to check them out.

And THANKS for visiting us at GoSwim!

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