Ask an Olympian about Breaststroke

May 24, 2011
Ask an Olympian about Breaststroke

This week (or next), I'll be speaking to an Olympic breaststroker, and I want to know what you'd like to know.

If you've ever wanted to ask an Olympian something about how they swim, or prepare for a race, or train, or stay motivated... or even what they eat... now is your chance.

While we finish prepping a new video featuring 1992 Olympic Breaststroker Roque Santos, you'll have a chance to have him answer you directly on video.  All you have to do is post your question below, and we'll get Roque to answer.

Just to let you know, we already have a number of questions from the app, so post soon before we run out of time for Roque to answer.

Here's a snippet of something I grabbed while I spent some time with him.  Enjoy, and post.

Roque is also very active in masters swimming, and has 176 USMS Top Ten Rankings, plus has set many masters World Records.

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