Dave Denniston Sledding Accident

Feb 7, 2005
Dave Denniston Sledding Accident
Dave Smiling at Pool

About midnight last night I received a phone call from Kicker Vencil, informing me that Dave Denniston was involved in a sledding accident yesterday, Sunday, Feb. 7th. I've since talked with Dave's mother, and recieved some e-mails from Dave's close friends.

As of this morning, Dave has no feeling in his legs, and he has broken his back. Today, at 5 pm Mountain Time, Dave will undergo surgery to fuse his T10 and T11 vertebrae together. He has a bone fragment in his spinal column.

Dave wanted his friends to know, so everyone can keep him in their thoughts and prayers today.

This is a special guy, and nothing I can write at this moment can express how much I want him to be OK. His Mom said his spirits were up, and he's being optimistic about today.

Those of us who know Dave would expect nothing less from him.

As I get more information, I'll try to keep everyone informed, and, in the meantime, please keep Dave in your thoughts and prayers today.

You can also e-mail Dave at: davedenniston@hotmail.com

Obviously, he won't be checking his mail for a few days, but I'm sure he'd appreciate seeing some supportive e-mail from everyone.


9:43 am

I just got off the phone with Dave, and he's in good spirits. He's already joking about things, but he did express how big of a day it's going to be for him. He's asking everyone for thoughts and prayers this afternoon.


Tuesday, 6:00 am

Still no word as of Dave's surgery. I'll update as I find out. Here is the address of the hospital:

Poudre Valley Hospital
1024 S. Lemay Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524


Tuesday 11:00 am

Just spoke with Dave's Mom. She said the surgery went as planned last night. The doctors fused the 9th-10th-11th and 12th vertibre together, and cleaned all bone fragments out. She was just about to go in and see Dave, and they are going to send us a letter a bit later today to let everyone know more about what's going on.

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