DOTW - Ultimate Master

Feb 11, 2005
DOTW - Ultimate Master

Last month, I wrote an article called �What� It All About.� Last month, I thought I had �It� all figured out. This week, I was brought back down to a very humbling reality.

Dave Flowing

This DOTW needs no words. No explanation. It needs to be experienced. Nothing I write could ever have more impact than simply watching one of the world� all-time greatest breaststrokers.

This DOTW is a bit longer than normal, and I�m also including a downloadable Quick-time file. Sorry, you Windows Media fans... Dave and I both work on Macs. Download larger videoclip (9 megs)

This is NOT meant to make you sad. It� mean to inspire you, and to make you appreciate each day and each moment that you can swim. We want you to simply watch, and experience what Dave is feeling as he goes through the water. Dave is a swimmer, a teacher, an inspirational leader. Nothing could make him happier than knowing that another swimmer has learned something from the things he� learned to do.

These are drills, but you can consider these some of my personal favorite moves that Dave does. I�ve always been impressed with his ability to flow so smoothly through the water. I swim with these images of Dave in my head.

The last length on the video is Dave� all-time favorite clip from the miles of footage that we�ve shot together. In this clip, Dave swims in underwater silence alongside his good friend Staciana Stitts. It� pure artistry. Pure flow.

Of course, the last little bit is Dave being Dave. Please sit back, watch, enjoy, experience�and go swim.

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