February 15, 2010 Morning Practice - Just doing time

Feb 15, 2010
February 15, 2010 Morning Practice - Just doing time

With all the snow, the normal pool was closed again today, so I had to venture to the local Y to put some time in.  Nothing exciting, but it got the job done.

400 warm-up

Straight Main Set
4 x 100 on 1:30 kick with fins, alternate 50 flutter 50 fly, odds with board, evens without
4 x 150 on 2:15 kick with fins, alternate 75 flutter 75 fly, odds with board, evens without

200 easy free

4 x 100 on 1:25, IM
4 x 150 on 2:10, IM with last 75 free

200 easy free

4 x 100 on 1:20 free
4 x 150 on 2:00 free

200 easy free

4 x 100 on 1:15 free pull
4 x 150 on 1:50 free pull

200 easy

Like I said, wasn't exciting, but 5,200 in 1:15, then off to work.  Nice getting it done quickly.

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