Go Fast with Jessica Hardy!

Aug 28, 2012
Go Fast with Jessica Hardy!

We're building Jessica's video and things are taking shape nicely.

What we're starting with is a conversational tone with Jessica, as she takes us through how she thinks about speed, how she trains, and what her favorite drills are.  We'll further break out the drills as we continue to put together the video.  Jessica also share her dryland stretching and warm-up routine that gets her ready to GO FAST nearly as soon as she jumps in the pool.

Jessica's video will continue to take shape over the new few weeks, so check out the 34 Chapters and clips of video that are already uploaded to her course on www.goswimtv.com. (subscription required... details and site tour here)

Obviously, MUCH more to come on this one, but so far, it has a great feeling and we're very excited about continuing this build.

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