Go Swim Twitter News - February 20, 2013

Feb 20, 2013
Go Swim Twitter News - February 20, 2013

Ben Hinshaw, Missy Franklin, Misty Hyman, and good advice for vegan swimmers.

QUOTE of the Day - Think the best technique is easy? - “The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.”―Oscar Wilde

New Search Options in GoSwimTV.com - GoSwim! - http://bit.ly/Y6FCfO

Ben Hinshaw Looking to Close College Career With Big Win | @SwimmingWorld @calmenswim - http://bit.ly/YzozBe

Vid of the Day -  @mistyhyman - Palm-Up Recovery - http://bit.ly/Y6ENUi

High School Swimmer Helps Saves Teammate's Life During Practice - Hypoxic training is controlled breathing, not NOT - http://bit.ly/Yzp1PV

Top Nutrition Tips for Vegan Swimmers - Good info @USA_Swimming @swimAGUA - http://bit.ly/YzpktW

Butterfly - Second Kick - GoSwim! - http://bit.ly/Y6FexS

20 Question Tuesday: Missy Franklin, Part One - Very nice @FranklinMissy @USA_Swimming - http://bit.ly/YzpscV

35 U.S. cities that could host the Olympics (but maybe shouldn't) - Interesting - http://usat.ly/Y6vQuo

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