Go Swim Video Analysis

Oct 29, 2004
Go Swim Video Analysis
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Here� a new service for those of you who are looking for another opinion, and suggestions for your stroke technique. Send us a video tape of your swimming, and we�ll put together a DVD specially designed for you.

The DVD that we create for you will include voice-over stroke analysis by Glenn Mills. Your personalized DVD will also include video footage of the drills that Glenn feels will do the most to help you correct and improve your stroke(s).

Taken directly from our own DVDs, these drills can serve as your guide to focusing on specific aspects of your stroke that we feel need the most attention.

Whether you want us to analyze one stroke or all four, there's plenty of room on the DVD to include full analysis and several drills. We�ll supply you with up to 3 specific drills per stroke, so that you get plenty of feedback and several ideas for things to work on.

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The DVD will be customized to YOU, with your name and the specific drills indicated as menu items. The DVD will be easy to navigate, and it will be easy for you to jump to any drill you need to review prior to heading to the pool.

Download the PDF file for instructions on how to shoot your video, and where to send it.

The cost for this great service is only $45 for the each stroke, and only $140 if you want us to analyze ALL FOUR strokes.

Please submit your video ONLY on VHS or Mini-DV (Mini-Digital Video Tape).

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