Through our partnership with YouTube, is pleased to announce the introduction of premium video rentals.
We're in the process of uploading full videos to YouTube, so step by step and video by video over the next month of so, we'll be adding to this list. Here are the titles available today:
Go Swim Triathlon Skills with Sara McLarty
Go Swim with Mirrors, Tools, and Toys featuring Steve Haufler
Go Swim Freestyle with Jason Lezak
Go Swim Backstroke with Margaret Hoelzer
Go Swim Breaststroke with Dave Denniston
Go Swim Positioning Techniques for Teaching Swimming featuring Steve Haufler
Go Swim Butterfly with Misty Hyman
Go Swim Combat Side Stroke with Don Walsh - submitted for approval
Give us feedback on how we're doing with this, and suggest which videos you'd like to see added to this list sooner rather than later. Click here to send an email about this subject.
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