GoSwimTV.com Team-Sharing Platform is LIVE!

Sep 20, 2013
GoSwimTV.com Team-Sharing Platform is LIVE!

We're proud to announce the soft launch of our new Team-Sharing Platform, which allows coaches to share videos with their swimmers BEFORE practice.  Read more, or go to www.goswimtv.com and get started.

Imagine your swimmers showing up at practice with an understanding and a visual image of the technique you want them to know.  Instead of standing on deck with your arms over your head to demonstrate a streamline, you can send them videos of Olympians performing beautiful streamlines...before the swimmers show up for practice.

With the new Team-Sharing Platform, you can access the ENTIRE GoSwim library, featuring some of the greatest swimmers in history.  Choose the videos you want your swimmers to see, add your own personal message, and schedule them to be sent to your swimmers either weekly (for FREE) or daily (requires a $2.99-per-month subscription for each swimmer).   Your swimmers will be able to read your message and watch your chosen video before they come to the pool.  And they can watch on their computer, smartphone, or tablet.  

If you have an annual subscription to GoSwimTV.com, the Team-Sharing Platform allows you create one Training Group  with up to 100 athletes.   Here's a short video showing how easy it is to set up a Training Group.

Once you've set up a Training Group, you may schedule one video per week to be sent to the swimmer in the Training Group.  There is no extra charge to the coach or the swimmers for this service.  It's free.    Sharing a video is simple.  Find the perfect video with our search engine and tagging system.  Watch the video to make sure it's the perfect one for your Training Group, then click SCHEDULE to write your message, and to schedule the video.  Here's a short video to show you just how simple it is.

We've tried our best to keep the pricing fair, so ALL subscribers who purchase, or who already have, an Annual Subscription ($99.99) are now able to set up a Training Group and start sharing videos.  The Training Group can hold as many as 100 swimmers, who can get access to one video per week for FREE.  A coach may share one video every day, but if a swimmer want to SEE all of the videos, s/he needs to upgrade their account for only $2.99 per month.   

Come to www.goswimtv.com and start saving time by educating your swimmers BEFORE practice.

Any questions you have can be directed to contact@goswimtv.com

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