I'm Somebody Now

Nov 30, 2010
I'm Somebody Now

When you've been in any sport as long as I have been in swimming, you meet a lot of great people.  Over the past couple of years, I've made a good friend in Rob Dumouchel of robaquatics.com.

Rarely do you find someone as passionate about anything as Rob is about swimming.  I wish some competitive swimmers I know had as much desire to just be in the water as Rob does.  I enjoy reading his daily blog, which is funny, inspiring, and just very down to earth.

Rob loves to take pictures, and you'll enjoy many of them on his site... but every once in a while he over-uses his camera and it breaks.  In his latest round of "in between camera" stints, Rob took to illustrating his adventures rather than leaving the pages filled with bland text.

Over time, you can see how much better he got at his illustrations, and through much ribbing... he decided to get back at me.  I'm honored to post my picture illustrated by Rob.  It's an old pic of me sporting my Blueseventy suit, but it's just cool.  

In the immortal words of Steve Martin when the phone books arrived in the movie, The Jerk... "I'M SOMEBODY NOW!"

Thanks Rob... :)

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