January 21, 2010 Morning Practice

Jan 21, 2010
January 21, 2010 Morning Practice

I'm going to do my best to post practices that I'll be doing.  I'm going to post many of them in the "intermediate" section as I'll mostly just be taking part in my local masters group practice.  This is going to be fun, and I'm basically going to train for the 4.5 mile Chesapeake Bay Bridge Swim in June.  I do have another swim I'm planning for, but I have not been approved for that one yet... it's a bit further.

AM Practice
• 800 warm-up, mix up swim, kick, and pull

• 10 x 50 on :50, odds swim, even's kick

Main Set - all intervals are based on 1:30 for the swim, and 2:00 for the kick
My goal was to make sure all the swim and pulls were sub 1:10 pace working on the catch and a 6-beat kick, and the kicks were all under 1:30.  Nothing stellar here.
• 500 swim 
• 100 kick
• 400 pull
• 100 kick
• 300 swim
• 100 kick
• 200 swim
• 100 kick
• 100 swim
• 100 kick

• 20 x 50 on :55, IM order by 50

Practice Total Distance:
4,300 yards

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