Keeping in Touch in 2010

Dec 29, 2009
Keeping in Touch in 2010

Wow, 2010!  Arthur C. Clarke certainly had some thoughts as to where we'd be, but it didn't quite work out the way he imagined.  While computers have certainly gotten smarter, the HAL9000 isn't controlling things nearly as much as we are using computers to control our own lives.

Probably the biggest thing that's changed in my lifetime, is how much we depend on "being connected."  While not everyone has fallen into this rut of the constant barrage of information, so many of us depend on this to live the lives we've chosen.  Go Swim is certainly in that category.  We've tried to present useful information as frequently as possible, and to keep control of that, we've connected ourselves to our devices.  While this sounds a bit gloomy, it's actually always been very encouraging to us... to know you're out there, and enjoying the work we do.

To make that process easier, we've started to utilize more technology in order to stay in touch, to get more information to those of you who want it, not only the swimming technique info we present here, but also the things we find interesting in terms of general athletic news that inspire or bring up other emotions.  While we're certainly not a news source like Swimming World, we are fans of the sport and we cull through a lot of the news that links directly or indirectly to swimming.    Here are a few of the things we're doing, in addition to this site, and how you can help us spread the word about what we do.

Did you know that we use Twitter to post news articles throughout the day?   We post things we find interesting from the world of swimming, the Olympics, Paralympics, and triathlon.   With so much going on in the world, this is our way of sharing the things we come across.  We'll try not to bore you with what we're having for breakfast, but rather post things we ourselves find moving, or informative.  If you're not using Twitter, or aren't familiar with it, think of it as an instant newsletter for things not just Go Swim related.
How can you help us?  "Follow" us on Twitter, or recommend us to your friends.

We know from our recent questionnaire that a lot of you are on Facebook.  We've started a "Go Swim fan page" on Facebook, and you'll find not only the Twitter news posts showing up there, but also a way to connect with other Go Swimmers... I know... corny, but it is a "social" event.  Just an FYI... the term "fan page" doesn't thrill me, but I didn't invent the thing, which kinda bums me out.  :)
How can you help us?  Become a "fan" of the page, or recommend us to your friends.

We've also changed how we deliver most of the videos on the site over the last few years.  This year was the biggest change, switching to YouTube delivery.  With our weekly posting of drills, we were excited to see that we just passed showing our 2 millionth video on YouTube.  While it certainly pales in comparison to the fun, wacky, and entertaining videos of dancing chickens (and who could compete with that), we're pretty psyched that a collection of swimming drills could generate that much interest.  Check out our YouTube Channel, subscribe, and by all means, RATE the videos.  Can you believe there are actually people that don't like every drill we post?
How can you help us?  Subscribe to the YouTube Channel, or simply "rate" the videos you see here.  Clicking on the title of the video IN the video will jump you directly to the YouTube page, where you can rate the video.  Also, "embed" your favorite videos on your own website.

Obviously, the BEST way to keep in touch with Go Swim, is to make sure you're on our mailing list, and to keep visiting here.

Well... that's the best way THIS week, but hang in there a couple more weeks, and we should be getting some great news for those of you who are also connected to your device.

Thanks for all your support, and we look forward to staying even MORE connected in the next decade.  Much more to come!

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