Legs Ouch

Jun 3, 2009
Legs Ouch

Here's a nice practice that overloads the legs just a tad.  Do it right, and you'll be wobbly all day.

• 600 Warm-up
• 12 x 50 on :50 - Swim / Kick / Drill - your choice

Main Set
• 6 x 100 kick on 2:00 - all flutter kick (for EVERYONE, including breaststrokers)
• 400 pull - your choice
• 5 x 100 kick on 1:50 - stick with flutter if you can, or switch to your main stroke - make the interval
• 300 scull down, swim back
• 4 x 100 kick on 1:40 - stick with flutter if you can, or switch to your main stroke - make the interval
• 200 drill - your choice
• 3 x 100 kick on 1:30 - do whatever you have to in order to make the interval
• 100 easy swim - your choice
• 2 x 100 kick on 1:20 - yep... go for it!
• 100 easy swim - your choice
• 100 all out kick for time.

• 200 loosen and try to climb out.

All times and distances were done in short-course yards.

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