Main Set Friday - January 7, 2010

Jan 7, 2011
Main Set Friday - January 7, 2010

Two sets I enjoyed this morning, one was another survival type of set, and the other gave the opportunity to start working on some new breaststroke techniques.

Main Set 1 - Long course:

1 x 800 - keep the stroke smooth and long and vary your breathing pattern so it's NOT too easy through the entire swim
2 x 400 on 5:30 - swim these pretty strong (not like I had a choice)
4 x 200 on 3:00 - mix up the strokes (yeah... like I HAD a choice... kids mix up the strokes, I used it for some recovery)
8 x 100 on 1:15 - OK... really?  1:15 long course?  So, I had to cheat to keep up, that means I put fins on.  This really ended up working the legs and lungs and I was still falling off pace toward the end.  I did my best, but I'm not quite ready for 1:15's long course.

Main Set 2

20 x 50 on 1:00 - I alternated freestyle smooth on the odds, and breaststroke on the evens.  The interval was very easy and allowed me to descend the breaststroke swims and experiment with some new techniques I'm working on.  The slow interval allowed me to really go to extremes on trying some variations without worrying about missing the interval.

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