Main Set Friday - Just a Sneaky, Mean Coach

May 31, 2013
Main Set Friday - Just a Sneaky, Mean Coach

OK... so I admit it... I COULD have told everyone the entire set prior to sending them off, but what fun would that have been.

When swimmers decide to challenge themselves early in a practice, it's the coach's job to push them JUST a bit further than they typically would want to go.  This is that type of set.

Main Set (short course yards):
Only tell the group one of the pieces of the set at a time, and the delivery needs to be as if this has no pattern or plan... just kinda like the next thing you're gonna do is....

 - 4 x 200 descend 1 - 4 on 3:00 - pretty easy interval, so just let them go and see where they end up.  Ask them to remember their times.

 - 4 x 200 descend 1 - 4 on 3:00 - while this appears to be the exact same set, the swimmers are now required to START the descend from the 2nd swim of the first set, then progress a bit further down on the 4th one.

Set 1 times - 
 - 1 = 2:30
 - 2 = 2:25
 - 3 = 2:20
 - 4 - 2:15

Set 2 times would need to start at the 2:25 and follow as such:
Set 2 times - 
 - 1 = 2:25
 - 2 = 2:20
 - 3 = 2:15
 - 4 = 2:10

The next set is similar, only with 100s.  By this point they'll see through any sneaky delivery about the set, but always hold one little surprise back until it's ready to be unveiled.

 - 4 x 100 descend 1 - 4 on 1:30 - encourage them to get their times just in case they will be used later (insert little wink here)
 - 4 x 100 descend 1 - 4 on 1:30 - start the descend from the time of #2 from the previous set

This is where you open the surprise...

 - 4 x 100 descend 1 - 4 on 1:30 - start the descend from the time on #3 of the first set, or #2 of the second set.

Everyone should have a good feeling of accomplishment at this point... or at least they should be tired.

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