Main Set Friday - More Pace... Just Longer

May 26, 2013
Main Set Friday - More Pace... Just Longer

Like on Wednesday, we wanted to just get some smooth swimming in, but challenging ourselves to maintaining a consistent pace through the entire practice.

These are longer swims than the 50s we did, so the intervals were pretty easy so the performance could be a bit higher.

Main Set (short course yards):
This is a typical "ladder" set with the emphasis on pace.  ALL intervals are based on a very easy 1:30 per 100 rate.  This gives the swimmers a lot of rest when they get to the longer distances, but also the coach must require the swimmers maintain the pace set at the beginning of the set.

 - 1 x 100 on 1:30 - whatever you go on this is your pace... if you go 1:10 on the first 100... you MUST maintain that through the entire set.
 - 1 x 200 on 3:00
 - 1 x 300 on 4:30
 - 1 x 400 on 6:00
 - 1 x 500 on 7:30
 - 1 x 400 on 6:00
 - 1 x 300 on 4:30
 - 1 x 200 on 3:00
 - 1 x 100 on 1:30

Obviously, holding the same pace through the 400 - 500 - 400 swims is the meat of this practice.  That's where the focus will need to be placed.

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