Main Set Friday - Pace

May 18, 2012
Main Set Friday - Pace

Today was about planning your set.  We've done quite a bit of this, but it's a constant reminder of where you need to start your swim pace.

Starting to set the bar too high (swimming too fast), can make this type of set very tough in the end.  You may find this out the hard way.

Main Set (short course yards):
 - 16 x 25 on :30 - smooth down, no breath back.  This is the type of no breath that's NOT hypoxic, but rather about discovering ease, rhythm, and flow.  It's really about spending more time not breathing and focusing, than worrying about air.
 - 8 x 100 on 1:30 - set a pace that you're going to hold the rest of practice.
 - 4 x 200 on 3:00 - maintain the pace you set on the 100's.
 - 2 x 400 on 6:00 - same as above.  Hold the pace you set on the 100's.  Now is when you find out if you set the right pace.

It's a nice long set that demands control at the beginning, and probably some higher effort at the end.  From the picture below, I think it was enjoyable all the way around.

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