Main Set Monday - April 2, 2012

Apr 2, 2012
Main Set Monday - April 2, 2012

 Here's a fun descending set of 50's that turns challenging the further you get in to the set.

This is another preplanning set, always keeping in mind where you want to be at the end, rather than attacking too much at the beginning.

Main Set (short course yards):
 • 8 x 50 on :50
 • 6 x 50 on :45
 • 4 x 50 on :40
 • 2 x 50 on :35 -- and that's the warm-up for the real set.

 • 100 on 1:30 - keep it smooth
 • 4 x 50 on :45
 • 100 on 1:30 - keep it smooth again... start to feel your stroke get stronger
 • 4 x 50 on :40
 • 100 on 1:30 - recover if you're tired, barely make the interval if the 50's are starting to be challenging.
 • 4 x 50 on :35
 • 100 on 1:30 - much easier to take advantage of the 1:30 now... take all the time you can.
 • 4 x 50 on :33 - have fun

The idea here is seeing how far down you can push the interval.  It's an incremental set, and you can vary where you end up.  Obviously, the math at the end of the site is also a challenge, but you only really have to think of a couple times.  If you leave on the :00, then you know you'll have to leave on the :33, then the :06, and that's pretty much it.  Finish before the :39 and you've done it.


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