Main Set Monday - Challenging Speed

Jan 28, 2013
Main Set Monday - Challenging Speed

Descending 5 x 50's gives you the goal time... next you'll have to hold that a bit longer than one.

Many descend sets end up with one fast swim at the end.  This set requires you maintain that fastest time a bit longer as you repeat the set.  For coaches, it may be best if you don't tell the ENTIRE set up front... you may not get the speed you're looking for.

Main Set (short course yards)
 - 5 x 50 on :45 descend 1-5 - #5 equals the GOAL TIME for the rest of the set
 - 100 kick recovery
 - 5 x 50 on :45 descend 1 - 4 to the GOAL TIME, then hold that time for #5
 - 100 kick recovery
 - 5 x 50 on :45 descend 1 - 3 to the GOAL TIME, then hold that time for #4 & 5
 - 100 kick recovery
 - 5 x 50 on :45 descend 1 - 2 to the GOAL TIME, then hold that time for #3-4 & 5

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