Main Set Monday - Doggie Dig

Oct 22, 2012
Main Set Monday - Doggie Dig

We added a fun drill to practice today, but if you do the drill correctly for a while... it's only really fun for the coach. :)

We based the set on an old drill, Doggie Dig, which should awaken the catch out front as well as utilizing the lats and back.

Main Set (short course yards)
 - 12 x 75 - 4 sets of 3 x 75s

  #1 - 50 dogdig, 25 free
  #2 - 25 free, 25 dogdig, 25 free
  #3 - 75 free

 - 20 x 25 on :30 - 5 sets of 4 x 25
  #1 - 25 SPRING dogdig
  #2 - 25 smooth free
  #3 - 25 sprint free
  #4 - 25 smooth free

Keep your head stable when doing the drill, and keep the elbows in front of the shoulders.  Keep a constant flutter kick going as well.

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