Main Set Monday - Remember Your Count

Sep 10, 2012
Main Set Monday - Remember Your Count

Getting a new season started, you should always revisit, and set up habits that will help you through the entire season.

An easy and important self-evaluation tool is simple stroke counting.  It helps you measure another aspect of your performance without just looking at the clock.  Learning how to make stroke counting a habit, simply means DOING IT.  With that in mind, here's a simple set you can use to start building that habit.

Main Set - short course yards:
 - 12 x 25 on :30 - reduce your count from 1-4 - Remember this count, the highest and the lowest, as you'll be using those through the rest of the set.
 - 12 x 50 on :45 - use the same numbers as above, reducing the counts from 1-4.
 - 12 x 75 on 1:10 - same counts as above
 - 12 x 100 on 1:30 - same counts

If you're confused, here is a quick example:
 - 25s.  If my stroke counts were from 1-4 - 20,19,18, 17
 - 50s - stroke counts should be - 40, 38, 36, 34
 - 75s - stroke counts should be - 60, 57, 54, 51
 - 100s - stroke counts should be - 80, 76, 72, 68

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