Main Set Thursday - Davo Hands Set

May 17, 2012
Main Set Thursday - Davo Hands Set

Sticking with some hand awareness this week.  Yesterday we used a tool, and today we use a great series from Dave Denniston.

We based this sort of "feel" workout on the drill, Breaststroke - Davo Hands.  While the drill is meant for breaststroke, you can really use it for any stroke.

Main Set (short course yards):
 - 10 x 100 IM substituting your worst stroke with the stroke of your choice.
 - 10 x 25 - 2 laps of each of the Davo Drill - fist - Number 1 - Peace - I love you - A OK
 - 10 x 50 - Stroke / free by 25, descending the effort from 1 - 5
 - 10 x 25 - 2 laps of each of the Davo Drill - fist - Number 1 - Peace - I love you - A OK

This all builds in to 3 x 100 all out sprint on 3:00.  All the prep of trying to feel the catch without depending too much on the full hand, will hopefully come through on the fast 100's at the end.

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