Main Set Thursday - March 1, 2012

Mar 1, 2012
Main Set Thursday - March 1, 2012

A mix of swim and kick, with fast kick becoming demanded by the end of each set.  Reducing the amount of rest on the swim also makes it a bit tougher toward the end.

In set's like this, when you know it's going to be more difficult at the end, make sure you take advantage of the easy while you have it.

Main Set - Short Course Yards

- 50 kick on 1:00
- 100 Swim on 1:30
- 50 kick on :55
- 100 Swim on 1:30
- 50 Kick on :50
- 100 Swim on 1:30
- 50 Kick on :45
- 100 Swim on 1:30
- 50 Kick on :40

- 100 Swim on 1:25
- 50 Kick on 1:00
- 100 Swim on 1:25
- 50 Kick on :55
- 100 Swim on 1:25
- 50 Kick on :50
- 100 Swim on 1:25
- 50 Kick on :45
- 100 Swim on 1:25
- 50 Kick on :40

- 100 Swim on 1:20
- 50 Kick on 1:00
- 100 Swim on 1:20
- 50 Kick on :55
- 100 Swim on 1:20
- 50 Kick on :50
- 100 Swim on 1:20
- 50 Kick on :45
- 100 Swim on 1:20
- 50 Kick on :40

Have fun.

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