Main Set Tuesday - May 15, 2012

May 15, 2012
Main Set Tuesday - May 15, 2012

We decided to really focus on the flutter kick today, so we focused on watching Scott Tucker's amazing kick, and then keeping that in our mind during practice.

Main Set (short course yards):
 - 10 x 75 on 1:15 - when you reach the wall on the ODD 75's, you're not allowed to touch the wall, but must instead perform vertical flutter kick with your hands just above the surface of the water.
 - 200 flutter kick with a board
 - 10 x 50 on 1:00 - same as the first set, no touching the wall on the odds, vertical flutter kick during the rest.
 - 200 flutter kick with a board
 - 10 x 25 on :45 - A little different here... SPRINT to the other end, then vertical flutter kick until your time to go... swim as easy as possible back, then get ready for the next one.  Notice the interval is very slow.
 - 200 flutter kick with a board

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