Main Set Wednesday - More Fast 50s

Mar 7, 2013
Main Set Wednesday - More Fast 50s

Really packed lanes mean's you just can't swim that far... so you'll need to demand performance at a more consistent level.

Swimming much further than 50s with 8-10 fast swimmers in a lane is pretty tough, as the lead swimmer will be running over the last swimmer on nearly every repeat.  Here's a way to keep everyone moving at a good clip through a single set.

Main Set (short course yards):
 - 10 x 50 on :55
 - 10 x 50 on :50
 - 10 x 50 on :45
 - 10 x 50 on :40
All of these 50s have to be swum at a pace as if they're all on the :40.  That mean even when the interval is the :55, the swimmer can't go any slower than about :38.  The swimmers will then be required to hold that pace through all 40 x 50s, with only the rest they get continuing to get shorter.

Follow up Set
 - 24 x 25
  - 2 on :30
  - 2 on :25
  - 2 on :20
  - 2 on :15
This gets that same group of swimmers to give some TOP speed to finish the practice.

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