Maintain Fitness Practice

Mar 18, 2008
Maintain Fitness Practice

 Here's part of a practice that keeps the swimmers moving and challenges them to find another level.  Practices like this run the risk of being boring, which is why the coach needs to encourage, rather than berate.  You may be surprised what your athletes will give you back.

600 standard warm-up

• 10 x 75 on 1:10 - last 25 breaststroke.  Relax and warm-up the knees.

• 6 x 400 on 5:00 - 3rd 100 breaststroke.  Make the interval, but also try to descend through the set.
I was pleasantly surprised when the breaststoker worked these down to 4:20.  

• 12 x 25 on :30 - alternate double underwater pull on the odds, with reduced stroke count on the evens.

A very quick 4,000 practice.

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