Private Lessons Available

Apr 27, 2004
Private Lessons Available

We're always available for private lessons. If you're within a reasonable proximaty to any of our coaches, we'd love to set up an appointment with you.

Because of our busy summer, availablity will be limited, and not open until the middle to the end of July. Maryland lessons can take place in Glenn Mills' home pool. A 50' x 25' pool which allows for stroke work, turn work, and filming. While we are also available to come to your home, mileage and time will also be reimbursed.

Here is a list of our rates.

Glenn Mills
Private one-on-one: $75 / hour
Private w/ filming and evaluation: $100 / hour
Semi-private up to three-on-one: $105 / hour
Semi-private, up to three-on-one w/ filming and evaluation: $135 / hour

For home based lessons, the instruction fees are based on the above, PLUS the following:
Driving: based on the IRS standard rate of 37.5 cents / mile
Time: travel time is based on time away from the office. This will only include travel time, and is charged at $15 / hour

Example of lesson fees if Glenn comes to you:
If you live 45 miles away from our location, we'll estimate the following:
Driving: 90 miles - $33.75
Time: 50 minutes each way - $25.00
Lesson private: $75.00
Total hour lesson: $133.75

If we're coming to you, the pool MUST be YOUR personal pool. We will not use other public or private facilities, as they may have their own lesson programs and we want to support this profession, not undercut it.

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