Social Swimming

Feb 3, 2009
Social Swimming

Note:  We've updated our sharing set up on every page... now you're not limited to what we've initially chosen, but you can add our links to just about any social group you belong to.  Just move your mouse over the +SHARE icon just above the title on every page.  It's easy and fun, and really helps spread the word about GoSwim!  Thanks for your help.

Viral, Social, whatever buzzwords you can think of, we're hoping you'll help more people find us.

You can follow our daily updates on twitter.

While we try as much as possible to stay connected with all of you here, there are some great sites out there for staying connected.

One great site is StumbleUpon.  It allows you to add a toolbar to your Firefox browser and click the sites, articles, and videos you like.  After a while, it can find things that interest you just by chance.  It's a great way to find all kinds of swimming on the web, and some things you didn't know were out there.  While you're stumbling around, we also hope you click how much you like GoSwim.  ;)

Click here to see my own StumbleUpon page, and link to me, and as I surf the web and find other interesting articles, I'll be adding them to my StumbleUpon page.



We also have included on every page of our site, easy buttons to bookmark pages in, digg, and Facebook.

Don't forget our channels that have been created, and are updated weekly on YouTube.  Subscribe to both or either for easy access to many of our drills.

We hope you have, or start using, these simple tools to help make your own Internet experience better, as well as helping Go Swim continue to grow, make new friends, and help the swimming community.

Speaking of Facebook.  I'm inviting all my friends here at to "friend" me by clicking here. Facebook me!

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