Starts - Entry-Point Variations

Aug 10, 2010
Starts - Entry-Point Variations

Where you land in the water for a start can have significant impact on how fast you transition to swimming.

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- Watch Jason Lezak's DVD for more speed ideas!

Why Do It:
Knowing your prime entry point based on distance, speed, and entry angle can help you get ahead of your competition early in a race.

How to Do It:
  Place a line of surgical tubing across the lane about where you typically enter the water.  (You can determine this by doing a start first, and then placing the line directly across your entry point.)
2.  Typically, when a target is placed in the water, our goal is to go OVER that target.  While we do this, watch the extreme angle of the legs upon entry.  While I've always focused on a strong first kick, this could be adding a tremendous amount of resistance.
3.  Continue a few times trying to get over the target.
4.  Now aim to strike the water just BEFORE the target.
5.  Notice how this steeper angle actually creates less leg bend, and could lead to a smoother start.

How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points):
You'll won't know exactly which point will be best for you until you add some science.  Getting times for the 12.5-  and 25-meter marks will be key.  This is something to be worked on as often as possible... not just before meets.  Experimentation and variation is always important no matter how good you are.

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