Swimming Pic of the Week - Margaret Hoelzer - Win a Subscription!

Mar 22, 2012
Swimming Pic of the Week - Margaret Hoelzer - Win a Subscription!

Short and sweet.  This is going to be a regular feature on goswim.tv.   Interact, and you'll have a chance to win a free month's subscription to goswimtv.com.  Our new subscription site contains 1,000+ videos featuring some of the greatest swimmers ever.

The rules are simple... get involved.  Over the next week, someone who posts on this page will win.  Of course there are rules, but the first rule is simple... post what the picture below means to you.  It's one of our favorite people, and a great swimmer, Margaret Hoelzer.  She continues to be an inspiration to us even in retirement, but as a swimmer... amazing!

Here's the picture, and don't forget to post.  Your comments may mean more than just showing how much you know about swimming.

Click image to view larger.

Preview Margaret's video here.
For current subscribers, click to see Margaret's video here.
For fans, follow Margaret on Twitter.

The Rules:  You need to be a member of goswim.tv to be able to post, which is free.  If you're already a subscriber to goswimtv.com, you will be refunded for the amount equal to 1 month of your subscription.  You can win only once per year.  You will be required to set up an account with www.goswimtv.com, which requires a credit card number, but you will be instructed how to create the account so that nothing will be charged to your card upon creation of your account.  This prize has no monetary value and can not be exchanged or used for any product other than the subscription at www.goswimtv.com.  The winner must be over 18 years of age, or must have a parent's permission (in writing to us) to accept this prize.

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