Swimming Set of the Week 2 - January 6, 2009

Jan 6, 2009
Swimming Set of the Week 2 - January 6, 2009

A couple sets featuring pulling and kicking, and starting to focus on raw speed.  Remember:  When you're doing sets with a speed focus, don't swim the slow part too fast.  Take your time, relax, recover, and gear up for the hard part.  Raw speed is about raw speed... there's no time to think; it's all about power and aggression.

Set #1 - Pulling
• 10 x 150 on 2:15 (yards)
 - 50 free easy, 50 head-up front scull, as fast as possible, 50 free easy

Set #2 - Kicking
• 12 x 100 on 2:00 (yards)

 - 3 sets of 4 x 100s.  
  #1 - last length is all-out sprint kick
  #2 - 3rd length is all-out sprint kick
  #3 - 2nd length is all-out sprint kick
  #4 - 1st length is all-out sprint kick

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