The Struggle

May 5, 2004
The Struggle

Progressing through life, both athletic and "real," we realize that it's not all wine and roses. In fact, we are all faced with incredible challenges at times, and it's precisely at those times that we define our lives.


Why focus on this now, this week? Simply because I know a few good people who are trying to get through some tough spots in their lives right now. Rather than me writing some rah-rah piece, which only makes it seem like I think I know what I'm talking about, I decided to borrow some quotes from a book my Mom and Dad gave to me when I decided to get back into coaching. The book is The Edge, and it's a compilation of quotes put together by a high school wrestling coach from Cleveland named Howard Ferguson. This book has served as an inspiration to me in so many ways over the years, and I can only hope my friends will also find inspiration from these quotes as well.

You can purchase this book through Successtores in Beachwood, Ohio, by calling them at 216-378-3490, or by visiting their website at

Enjoy, and never give up!


"Most successes have been built on failures, not on one failure alone but on several. A majority of the great historic accomplishments of the past have been the final result of a persistent struggle against discouragement and failure. A man is never beaten until he thinks he is." 
-- Charles Gow, American Author/Engineer


"Whatever the project, the key ingredients are persistence and determination. These two traits can overcome most every obstacle."  -- Lamar Hunt, NFL Owner


"Failure is only postponed success as long as courage 'coaches' ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory." -- Herbert Kaufman, American Writer


"Spurts don't count. The final score makes no mention of a splendid start if the finish proves that you were an 'also ran.'" -- Herbert Kaufman, American Writer

"No one gets an iron-clad guarantee of success. Certainly, factors like opportunity, luck and timing are important. But the backbone of success is usually found in old fashioned, basic concepts like hard work, determination, good planning, and perseverance."  -- Merlin Olsen, NFL Tackle, Sports Broadcaster and Actor


"Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you're made of." -- Jacob M. Braude, English Business Executive

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