Win One of our Online Videos

Jan 27, 2011
Win One of our Online Videos

To give more people a chance to test-drive our new, online premium videos, we're holding our first "sweepstakes."

By entering the sweepstakes, you have a chance to win your choice of one of our streaming videos.  (Current choices include Margaret Hoelzer, Rober Margalis, Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen, Kara Lynn Joyce, Brendan Hansen, Sara McLarty, Misty Hyman, Steve Haufler, Eric Shanteau, Fran Crippen, Jason Lezak, and Kevin Clements.)

No purchase is required to enter.  The winner will be chosen at random and will receive his or her choice of one of our currently offered online streaming videos.  The chosen video (like all of Go Swim's streaming videos) comes with unlimited views and no time limit.  Viewing is available on computer and over most current smartphones such as iPhone and Android devices.  Winner will have the ability to interact with Go Swim and other streaming viewers, by asking technique questions right on the page.  

There are a few ways to enter:

Through our Facebook Fan Page

Through Twitter

For our friends without either of those

You can browse all the premium online titles by visiting the list in the GoSwim Gold! section of our website.  The titles with the green icon are free to all, and the titles with the image of the athlete or coach are the premium videos from which our winner may select.  (The Swimming Canada Technique course is not part of this offering and can not be chosen as the prize.)

Good luck to everyone, and please spread the word.  As you will see, the more people you get involved, the more chances you'll have to win.

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