01/03/06 CCB Masters New Year Stroke-Count Set & Cord Work

Jan 3, 2006
01/03/06 CCB Masters  New Year Stroke-Count Set & Cord Work

I do a lot of tethered swimming, but have not had my Masters do any of it because of lack of equipment. I now have one long-belt tether and two short tethers, so I tried to devise this practice so that everyone would get at least 2 chances to try to tethers. They found the tether swimming challenging but revealing of certain stroke flaws. Have to do more of this. Those using the long tether used 1 pull buoy. Those using the short tether used 2 pull buoys.WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownCALIBRATION SET: 1004 X 25 Free on approx. :10 RI brisk pace Count strokes each 25. Take your average as "N."MAIN SET: 170012 X 25 free on approx. :10 RI Alternate N-2...N-1...N by 25.200 choice with fins...or, if it's your turn to try the tether, do 2 X 50 strokes on the tether, picking just ONE focus point to work on (most of our swimmers needed to focus on keeping the elbow high and push all the way back).12 X 25 free on approx. :10 RI 3 X 25 @ N-2...3 X 25 @ N-1...3 X 25 @ N...3 X 25 @ N+1200 choice with fins...or, 2 X 50 strokes on the tether12 X 25 free on approx. :10 RI 2 X 25 each @ N-3...N-2...N-1...N...N+1...N+2200 choice with fins...or, 2 X 50 strokes on the tether4 X 50 Free on approx. :20 RI1st 50: Final 1/4 is fast2nd 50: Second half is fast3rd 50: Final 3/4 is fast4th 50: ALL FASTWARMDOWN: 200Total Yardage: Approx. 2400

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