01/09/07 Aerobic Workout (with some speed)

Jan 8, 2007
01/09/07 Aerobic Workout (with some speed)

January training is always a little tricky for me because I like to do the One-Hour Postal Swim (which requires aerobic endurance and freestyle training) but I'm continuing to train for spring Masters Nats (which requires a lot of kicking plus regular speed work). Tried to do a little of both today. This was a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 800With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin120 free80 flutter120 free80 dolphin120 free200 EZ breast kick no equipment, all positionsFREESTYLE SET: 1000Wear a pull buoy for the whole thing. Do open turns to practice tucking the toes under and falling back.Swim a straight 1000, alternating 80 freestyle pull/20 breaststroke pull.Breathe every 5...every 2 on the freestyle. KICK/SPEED SET: 800 equivalentWith a long-belt slider (tether), swim the following as a palindrome:* Push off, pull down, 30 head-lead breast kicks, 30 hand-lead breast kicks, turn, swim back assisted breaststroke* Push off, pull down, 10 head-lead eggbeater kicks, then go to hand lead eggbeater kick to the wall, turn, swim back assisted breaststroke* Swim 40 yards breast with the cord* Swim 80 yards breast with the cord* Push off, swim 10 strokes freestyle, then kick freestyle until you've taken 10 breaths, then swim freestyle to the wall, turn, float back assistedFLY SET: 240 With Zura Alpha fins, swim EZ through the following:40 Breast/Fly Combo40 2L/2R Fly switch to whole-stroke Fly on each length40 Karla drill40 2L/2R Fly switch to w-s Fly40 3 strokes Fly switch to Free on leach length40 2L/2R Fly switch to w-s FlyWARMDOWN: 160With fins, 160 real EZ dolphins and freestyleTotal Yardage: 3000

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