01/15/07 Kicking and Tether

Jan 15, 2007
01/15/07 Kicking and Tether

Shoulders are kinda sore from pulling with paddles, so focused on kick today. Did this in a 20-yard pool.WARMUP: 680With Zura Alpha fins:80 dolphin + 80 back/free80 flutter + 80 back/free80 dolphin + 80 back/free200 free focus kayakMAIN SET: 2400Three rounds of all of the following (kick and tether). Did 5 Rocket Launchers before each of the kick intervals. 200 alt 40 breast kick/40 eggbeater. Feet together on the draw.120 alt 40 breast kick/40 eggbeater80 alt 20 UW breast kick/20 breast kick on backWith long-belt slider:* Push off, pull down, 30 head-lead breast kick, 30 hand-lead breast kick, turn, swim back assisted* Push off, pull down, resisted eggbeater to the wall, turn, swim back assisted* 20 resisted + 20 assited swim* 80 on the tether* Push off, swim 10 strokes free, 10 "breaths" of flutter kick, swim free to the wall, float back assisted Focus on kayak.* Repeat freestyle Round #1: Use a Zura Sidekick on the kicking part.Round #2: Use a pull buoy on the kicking partRound #3: No equipment on the kicking partWARMDOWN: 200 freestyle pullTotal Yardage: 3280

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