01/19/06 CCB Masters 125s IM Practice

Jan 19, 2006
01/19/06 CCB Masters  125s IM Practice

WARMUP: 400400 your choice, on your ownMAIN SET #1: 800With finsSwim four rounds of the following:3 X 25 drill1 X 125 IM with the rolliwng 25 in IM order (i.e., first round do 50 Fly; 2nd round do 50 Backstroke)Round #1: Drill is 2L/2R FlyRound #2:Drill is 2L/2R BackstrokeRound #3:Drill is dolphin kick on your backRound #4:Drill is head out Tarzan (Freestyle) for half a lengthMAIN SET #2: 4002 X 200 Freestyle pull with pull buoy, breathing every 2-3-4-5-2-3-4-5Swimmers shared a couple of Tempo Trainers during this set.MAIN SET #3: 800Repeat Main Set #1. Your choice of fins or no fins. WARMDOWN: 100Total Yardage: 2500

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